choose your nitrogen needs
About IntoN2
- Burns Machinery owns INTO-N2 and has been manufacturing machinery for 38 years. We know controls, we know what testing machinery requires, and what all laser cutting shops need to keep production moving.
- INTO-N2 is the leader in Laser Assist Gas Generation. Our generators provide up to 99.999% pure N2, Air, and mixed Air with N2 for cutting all materials.
- INTO-N2 is built by a laser cutting and machinery manufacturing facility by an integrated team of experts in electrical, fabrication, pipe fitting, programmers, electronics, and machinists.
- Each Nitrogen Generator is tested on our 4kW, and 10kW fiber lasers. Each new machine is tested for a minimum of 8 hours in the testing process. When it leaves Burns Machinery it is ready to be installed and produce gas, N2, Air, and mixed. All components are on a single platform.
- Our Generators are warrantied for 12 months.
- We use what we sell. We run 2 fiber lasers (4kW and 10kW) that are serviced by an INTO-N2 Generator.
- Easy to install (plug & play), ease of operation, controls are intuitive and remote controls to laser operators’ position are available.
- All INTO-N2 generators come with 2 or 3 boost pumps, you will never be without Laser Assist Gas with INTO-N2 generators. Full redundancy for your laser assist gas system.
- Generally, replacement valves, sensors, and back up controls are in stock for immediate replacement, to include new gas pumps for your generator.
- Once an INTO-N2 customer, always an INTO-N2 customer, when your warranty expires, INTO-N2 will do phone call assist at no cost.
- Unlike other systems, INTO-N2 designs and builds the entire package including the PSA towers. We also fully integrate the system components into our own PLC control system which controls all aspects including purity, pressure settings, flow rates, and the boost pump. All the components of our integrated system fall under INTO-N2’S warranty. One phone call, one solution.
- You can count on INTO-N2 to provide the best Laser Assist Gas generator for your operations. Call today to talk to a Laser Assist Gas Specialist.

Why Choose IntoN2?
Best in quality made in the USA!
We use the highest quality components all the way from our hardware we use to the CMS towers
3x independant and redundant boost pumps
We are the only one in the industry to offer a unity with 3 independent and redundant boost pumps.. YOU WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT NITROGEN
We pride ourselves with our customer service. They are all knowledgeable and can help you with any issue at any time for the lifetime of the machine
Financing available upon request
Interested in acquiring financing for a nitrogen generator? we have an option for you!
Take A Look At Some Of Our Satisfied Clients IntoN2 Generators